Roger Loucks
- PhD: Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana at Urbana-Champaign, 1996
- MS: Physics, Renselear Polytechnic Institute, 1989
- BS: Physics, Houghton College, 1987
Courses Taught
- PHYS 415 – Particle Physics
- PHYS 405 – General Relativity
- PHYS 400 – Special Topics: Physics of Glass
- PHYS 401 – Quantum Mechanics I
- PHYS 402 – Quantum Mechanics II
- PHYS 424 – Electricity and Magnetism I
- PHYS 400 – Special Topics: Electricity and Magnetism II
- PHYS 423 – Classical Mechanics I
- PHYS 421 – Statistical Mechanics
- PHYS 341 – Advanced Physics Lab
- PHYS 325 – Optics
- PHYS 326 – Modern Physics
- PHYS 125 – General Physics I
- PHYS 125 – General Physics II
- PHYS 111 – Introduction to Physics
- PHYS 111 – Introduction to Physics
- AST 304 – Galactic Dynamics and Cosmology
- AST 103 – Astronomy
- AST 107 – Astronomy Lab
- SCI 110 – Weather Elements
Research, Publications, & Presentations
- R. J. Loucks. “Willy Wonka’s Glass Factory: Why Chocolate is a Glass,” 2017 ACS Corning Section, Elmira, NY.
- R.J. Loucks, John C. Mauro, and Sabyasachi Sen, “Heat Capacity, EnthalpyFluctuations, and Configurational Entropy in Broken Ergodic Systems,” 2011 GOMD,Savannah, GA.
- R.J. Loucks, John C. Mauro, and Prabhat K. Gupta, “Achieving Long Time Scales in Energy Landscape Simulations using Metabasin Partitioning,” 2010 GOMD, Corning NY.
- R.J. Loucks John C. Mauro, and Prabhat K. Gupta, “Fictive Temperature and the Glassy State,” 2010 GOMD, Corning NY.
- R.J. Loucks, and John C. Mauro, “The Impact of Fragility on Enthalpic Relaxation,” 2009 GOMD, Vancouver, BC.
- R.J. Loucks John C. Mauro, and Prabhat K. Gupta, “Forbidden Glasses and the Failure of Fictive Temperature,” 2009 GOMD, Vancouver, BC
- R.J. Loucks and J.C. Mauro, “Enthalpy Landscape Model of the Selenium Glass Transition,” GOMD-S1-066-2008, American Ceramic Society Glass and Optical Materials Division Meeting, Tucson, AZ, May 21, 2008.
- R.J. Loucks, J.C. Mauro, J. Balakrishnan, and S. Raghavan, “Enthalpy Landscapes and the Glass Transition,” Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society Glass and Optical Materials Division (GOMD-S1-009-2007),Rochester, NY, 2007.
Research & Publications
- Theoretical nuclear and particle physics; computational physics; non-equilibrium systems.
- J. C. Mauro, R. J. Loucks, and S. Sen, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 164503 (2010).
- J.C. Mauro and R.J. Loucks, “Forbidden Glasses and the Failure of Fictive Temperature,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 355, 676-680 (2009).
- J.C. Mauro, P.K. Gupta, and R.J. Loucks, “Composition Dependence of Glass Transition Temperature and Fragility. II. A Topological Model of Alkali Borate Liquids,” J. Chem. Phys. 130, 234503 (2009).
- J.C. Mauro, P.K. Gupta, R.J. Loucks, and A.K. Varshneya, “Nonequilibrium Entropy of Glasses Formed by Continuous Cooling,” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 355, 600-606 (2009).
- J.C. Mauro, R.J. Loucks, and P.K. Gupta, “Fictive Temperature and the Glassy State,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92 [1] 75-86 (2009).
- J.C. Mauro, R.J. Loucks, A.K. Varshneya, and P.K. Gupta, “Enthalpy Landscapes and the Glass Transition,” Scientific Modeling and Simulation, 15, 241-281 (2008).
- J.C. Mauro and R.J. Loucks, “Impact of Fragility on Enthalpy Relaxation in Glass,” Physical Review E, 78, 021502 (2008).
- J.C. Mauro and R.J. Loucks, “Selenium Glass Transition: A Model Based on the Enthalpy Landscape Approach and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics,” Phys. Rev. B, 76, 174202 (2007).
- J.C. Mauro, R.J. Loucks, and P.K. Gupta, “Metabasin Approach for Computing the Master Equation Dynamics of Systems with Broken Ergodicity,” J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, 7957-7965 (2007).
- J.C. Mauro, P.K. Gupta, and R.J. Loucks, “Continuously-broken ergodicity,” J. Chem. Phys., 126, 184511 (2007).
- J.C. Mauro, R.J. Loucks, J. Balakrishnan, and S. Raghavan, “Monte Carlo method for computing density of states and quench probability of potential energy and enthalpy landscapes,” J. Chem. Phys., 126, 194103 (2007).
- J.C. Mauro, R.J. Loucks, J. Balakrishnan, and A.K. Varshneya, “Mapping the potential energy landscapes of selenium clusters,” J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 353, 1268-1273 (2007).
- J.C. Mauro, R.J. Loucks, J. Balakrishnan, and A.K. Varshneya, “Ab initio modeling of volume-temperature curves for glass-forming systems,” J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 353, 1274-1278 (2007).
- R.J. Loucks, J.C. Mauro, A. Tandia, and N.T. Timofeev, “Semi-Empirical Technique for Computation of Glass Density,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90 [12] 4020-4022 (2007).
- J.C. Mauro, R.J. Loucks, J. Balakrishnan, and A.K. Varshneya, “Potential Energy Landscapes of Elemental and Heterogeneous Chalcogen Clusters,” Phys. Rev. A, 73, 023202 (2006).
- J.C. Mauro, R.J. Loucks, and J. Balakrishnan, “Split-Step Eigenvector-Following Technique for Exploring Enthalpy Landscapes at Absolute Zero,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 110 [10] 5005-5011 (2006).
- J.C. Mauro, R.J. Loucks, and J. Balakrishnan, “A Simplified Eigenvector-Following Technique for Locating Transition Points in an Energy Landscape,” J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 9578-9583 (2005).
- R. J. Loucks and V. R. Pandharipande, Coherent Electropion Production from He3, Phys.Rev. C. 54, 32 (1996)
- R. Loucks, V. R. Pandharipande, and R. Schiavilla, Electropion production from p and d, Phys. Rev. C. 49, 342 (1994)
- R. Loucks and J. S. Levinger, Separable Approximation to the Helium Trimer, Annalen der Physik 48 (1991)
- Excellence in Teaching Award, 2016
- Excellence in Teaching Award, 2014
- Excellence in Teaching Award, 2010
- Teaching for Tomorrow Award, Creighton University, 1999
- Scott Anderson Teaching Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1996
- Scott Anderson Teaching Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1991
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